Erica T. Healey

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Erica’s practice focuses on litigation and appeals arising from contested adoptions and includes the representation of adoption agencies in termination of parental rights proceedings and adoptive parents in adoption finalization proceedings. Erica’s vocational experience includes stepparent adoption, relative adoption, grandparent adoption, interstate (ICPC) adoption, contested adoption, re-finalization of international adoption (as well as registrations of foreign births), private agency adoption, independent adoption, intervention into DCF proceedings, DCF adoption and finalization, search and reunion, reopening of sealed adoption records, and adult adoption.

Additionally, Erica is also a member of the prestigious Academy of Adoption and Reproduction Attorneys (AAAA) and the Florida Adoption Council (FAC).

Erica received a B.S. degree in Business Administration with a major in Finance from the University of Florida in 2007, where she was a member of the Delta Delta Delta fraternity. Erica graduated from the University of Florida Levin College of Law in 2010 magna cum laude, and was selected for the Order of the Coif for being in the top 10% of her class. While in law school, Erica was a member of the Florida Law Review and completed an externship with several federal judges. During her second year of law school, the Law Review awarded Erica the Frank Maloney Award for Outstanding Candidate and the Outstanding Tutor Scholarship. Erica also served as a Notes & Comments Editor and Managing Editor of the Law Review. Erica earned Dean’s List for all semesters in law school, received book awards in Bankruptcy and Legal Drafting, received honors in Legal Research & Writing and Appellate Advocacy, and was also a Teaching Assistant for those classes. Upon graduating from law school, Erica received the Community Service Certificate and Pro Bono Certificate for her time spent volunteering.

After law school Erica clerked for the Honorable Charles R. Wilson of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Before she worked at Jeanne T. Tate, P.A., Erica was a shareholder at the firm of Banker Lopez Gassler P.A., where she worked from 2011–2015.

Erica has been named a Florida Super Lawyers’ Rising Star annually since 2015, a testament to her exceptional legal skills.


Juris Doctor, magna cum laude, May 2010


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, May 2007

  • Member, Florida Bar
  • Amicus Brief Commitee, Florida Adoption Council (2020 to present)
  • Member, Academy of Adoption & Assisted Reproduction Attorneys (2020-present)
  • The Florida Bar: Aviation Law Committee (2014-2016)
  • Ferguson White Inn of Court (2013-2015)
  • Hillsborough Association for Women Lawyers (2010 to present)
  • Hillsborough County Bar Association (2010-present)
  • HCBA, Young Lawyers Division (2010-present)
  • HCBA Events Committee (2012)
  • Defense Research Institute, Aviation Committee (2011-2016)
  • Florida Defense Lawyers Association, Products Liability Committee (2011-2016)
  • J. Clifford Cheatwood Inn of Court, Mentoring Committee (2010-2012)
  • Stann Givens Family Law Inn of Court (2016-2017)
  • 2015-2021 Super Lawyers® Florida Rising Star
  • Order of the Coif, University of Florida
  • Book Awards: Bankruptcy, Legal Drafting
  • Outstanding Tutor Scholarship, Florida Law Review, Fall 2009
  • Frank Maloney Award for Outstanding Candidate, Fla. Law Review, Spring 2009
  • Pro Bono Certificate, Spring 2010
  • Community Service Certificate, Spring 2010
  • Speaker, "Contested Adoption Litigation," American Academy of Adoption & Assisted Reproductive Attorneys annual conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (May 6, 2024)
  • Speaker, “Adoption Tips,” Tampa Bay Paralegal Association CLE (March 21, 2024).
  • Speaker, “Adoption Pitfalls” at the Tampa Bay Paralegal Association’s March CLE Event (March 18, 2021).
  • Guest lecturer, Juvenile Law Class, Stetson University College of Law (November 2, 2020).
  • Speaker, “Contested Adoptions and Litigation” at Florida Adoption Council annual conference (virtual) (October 20, 2020).
  • Speaker, “Adoption Contested Litigation Seminar” at Florida Adoption Council annual conference at Tradewinds Resort, Florida (October 23, 2019).
  • Speaker, “Top 10 Adoption Tips & Tricks” at Florida Adoption Council annual conference in Howey in the Hills, Florida (2018).
  • Demonstration, Presentation, and Panel Discussion on Resolving Professionalism Complaints Speaker, Hillsborough County Bar Association, Senior Counsel Section Luncheon (Jan. 27, 2016).
  • The Law Clerk Experience: From Applying to Clerking for a Federal Judge Panelist, The Young Lawyers Division of the Federal Bar Association, Tampa (July 17, 2015).
  • DEFENSE POST, FDLA Product Liability Committee Case Notes Author, Florida Defense Lawyers Association, Vol. XVI Issue 2 (Summer 2014).
  • Daimler v. AG Bauman Places Limits on General Jurisdiction Author, Defense Research Institute’s Skywritings, Vol. 15 Issue 1 (May 27, 2014).
  • DEFENSE POST, FDLA Product Liability Committee Case Notes Author, Florida Defense Lawyers Association, Vol. XV Issue 4 (Winter 2013).
  • Defending Overhead Baggage Claims from the Application of Res Ipsa Loquitur Author, Defense Research Institute’s Skywritings, Vol. 14 Issue 1 (Sept. 13, 2013).
  • Petra L. Justice & Erica T. Healey, Why Non-Final GARA Denials Deserve Certiorari Review: When Your Money Is Gone, That Is Permanent, Irreparable Damage To You 42 Stetson L. Rev. 457 (2013).
  • Hot Topics in Aviation Law co-authored by Erica Tate Healey, Petra L. Justice, and Benjamin M. Wolf. Presented by Petra L. Justice at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Defense Research Institute in New Orleans.

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