Is It Too Late To Adopt? The Adoptee Is An Adult.


Often times, we are contacted by individuals who are concerned their ability to adopt has expired by virtue of the proposed adoptee having reached the age of majority. We love to bring joy and hope when we explain that it is not too late to adopt! Not only does Florida law allow the adoption of adults, but the process is truncated!

63.062(8) of the Florida Statutes states:

A petition to adopt an adult may be granted if:

(a) Written consent to adoption has been executed by the adult and the adult’s spouse, if any, unless the spouse’s consent is waived by the court for good cause.

(b) Written notice of the final hearing on the adoption has been provided to the parents, if any, or proof of service of process has been filed, showing notice has been served on the parents as provided in this chapter.

This time of year, adoption is a common thought or discussion for many. If you have been considering adoption to have your family legally recognized, don’t hesitate to contact our firm about how to take the next steps to effectuate your goal. We would love to guide you through this exciting journey!

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