State Employee/Veteran/Service Member Benefits
The Governor signed a bill on June 9, 2020 extending existing adoption benefits for qualifying adoptive employees of state agencies to veterans and servicemembers as well. The updated language can be found at sec. 409.1664, Florida Statutes. The bill took effect on July 1, 2020 and allows certain military veterans and service members to receive a monetary benefit ($10,000 per child if the child has special needs, or $5,000 per child if the child does not) through the State Employee Adoption Benefit Program, if they adopt a child through the state’s child welfare system. Prior to July 1, 2020, only employees of state agencies, public schools, charter schools and the Florida Virtual School could qualify for the monetary benefit. The updated Section 409.1664, Florida Statutes will take effect on July 1, 2020.

Using a Personal Loan to Finance Adoption Expenses
The cost of adoption can be quite expensive and for some families, too expensive to afford all up front. Due to this, we wanted to share an article that would inform families hoping to adopt a child on ways they can finance this cost in order fulfill their dream of becoming parents.

Forever Home Foundation Grants
The grants go directly to major expenses associated with the legal adoption process for both public and private agency adoptions – international or domestic. You can apply anytime for grants from the foundation. There is no income requirement set on either end. Our only prerequisite is a simple application to be filled out during or after your home study.

Extend Your Tent
Stephen and Melissa started a new ministry, Extend Your Tent, which officially launched in 2018 after working on it for over a year. The mission is to provide financial, informational and spiritual resources to Christian families interested in adoption. They do this through social media and also church classes for those interested in adoption. They provide prospective families with information on different agencies, attorneys, and consultants. We know in this world of information overload it can be cumbersome as adoptive families start their “what next” search.
Link: Extend Your Tent

The Orphan Foundation
The Orphan Foundation provides financial support and information to adopting families, as well as services to institutionalized orphans around the world. They currently provide grants of $1,250 to families who have successfully completed their home study, and who can demonstrate to the foundation’s Board of Directors that a grant will make the pivotal difference in families ability to adopt a child.
Link: The Orphan Foundation

Help Us Adopt
Help us Adopt is a national non-profit 501(c)(3) financial assistance grant program providing qualified couples and individuals – regardless of race, ethnicity, marital status, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability – with grants of up to $15,000 towards their domestic, international, foster, or special needs adoption expenses. Visit for more information.
Link: Help Us Adopt

Tinina Q. Cade Foundation (TQCF)
TQCF is a nonprofit organization that serves the needs of families battling infertility, which provides grants for adoption or fertility treatment. Please visit the Cade Foundation’s grant page for more information about grants which provide up to $10,000 per family for adoption or fertility treatment. Grants are awarded twice per year and the number of applications funded as well as the amount of funding depends on the success of the Cade Foundation’s fundraising activities (i.e. the more we raise, the more we can give away). To date, 121 families have been provided financial support for adoption and fertility treatments nationwide.

Jaya Laxmi Co.
Jaya Laxmi Co./123Fundraising.net is a fundraising organization that works to raise funds for people wanting to adopt. There are no up-front fees, and they only accept prospective adoptive parents who have already passed a Home Study and have affiliated with a legitimate Adoption Entity.
Link: Jaya Laxmi Co.

Gift of Adoption Fund
Gift of Adoption provides adoption assistance grants of up to $15,000 to complete the adoptions of vulnerable children from the U.S. and around the world. Gift of Adoption is the largest provider of adoption grants on a nondiscriminatory basis (without regard to age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or marital status). Grants are awarded to help complete domestic, international, foster care, and relative adoptions.
Visit their website (via link below), or call 877-905-2367 or email [email protected] for more information.
Link: Gift of Adoption Fund

Fifth Third Bank—Naples, Florida
There is a new financing program offered by Fifth Third Bank in Naples, Florida, which is meant to help families more easily afford adoption. The program offers families who are looking to adopt a home equity credit line or installment loan to help cover their expenses. Adoptive parents can be approved for a credit line that will allow them to borrow up to 100 percent of the value of their home, minus the amount of their mortgage. Payments need only be made on the money used, and there is an option of making interest- only payments. Checks are issued along with a MasterCard that enable the borrower to access their credit whenever needed, and one can take up to 20 years to pay back the principal amount. Please call them at 239-530-1460 for more information.

A Child Waits Foundation
A Child Waits Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization that provides grants up to $7,000 for both domestic and international adoption. It also has an international adoption loan program, with loans up to $10,000 at a 3% fixed interest rate. It accepts applications without regard to race, age, ethnicity, religion, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability. It welcomes applications from singles and heterosexual or same-sex couples adopting domestically or internationally. A Child Waits Foundation can be reached during the week at 866-999-2445, by email at [email protected], or on the web at the link above.
Link: A Child Waits Foundation

Military Subsidies
If you are an active-duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States, you may be eligible for a $2,000 per child military subsidy. Check with your base commander for more information.